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About Us

Part of the Cognita Global Family

Quinton House School is proud to be part of the global Cognita family of schools. Cognita is an extraordinary group of diverse yet connected schools joining forces in an inspiring world of education with one common purpose: building self-belief and empowering individuals to succeed.

With schools in Europe, Latin America and Asia, we employ thousands of teaching and support staff in the care and education of our students.

Together, our schools ensure that each student receives a rounded Cognita Education:

  • We deliver academic excellence

  • We develop character

  • We nurture a global perspective


41-42 Eastcastle Street,

Phone: +44 (0)20 7636 8444

Chief Executive Officer, Europe: Michael Drake

Director of Education: Nicola Lambros

Chair of Governors: Simon Rudland

Florence Bilingual School

Enquiries :Per Iscrizioni:+39.055.495061