Admissions Enquiries:

Per Iscrizioni


Welcome to Florence Bilingual School

With 50 years of experience our school has a well-established reputation for providing an outstanding education which seamlessly blends tradition and innovation.

We design our educational approach to ensure students develop the necessary skills to thrive in their personal growth path while enjoying their learning experiences.

A 50-Year Journey: Guiding Children's Learning Path

It was 1973 when our school, then named Kindergarten, first opened its doors on the hills of Fiesole on the outskirts of Florence.

Over the past 50 years we have proudly welcomed more than 3000 students and collaborated with over 500 talented teachers.


The Exciting First Step in a Learning Adventure

At the nursery, children embark on the FBS bilingual path.
Our passionate team of caring teachers joins forces with families to create a nurturing environment, laying the foundation for each child's journey towards autonomy, self-confidence, and strong social skills.

We have limited spots available for the school year 2023-2024.

If you are looking for a loving and supportive space where your little ones can flourish while having a blast, this opportunity is not to be missed!

Let your child's potential blossom at our nursery.


A Competitive Advantage To Thrive Beyond The Classroom

At FBS, we understand the pivotal role that pre-school plays in laying a strong foundation for each child’s learning journey.

That's why we offer a one-of-a-kind bilingual learning experience where little learners are immersed in both Italian and English. Your child will have the opportunity of becoming bilingual, amplifying their cognitive abilities and fostering an open mindset.

We currently have only a few spots left for the 3-year-old age group. T

Secure your child's place in our nurturing community and provide them with a solid foundation for a lifetime of growth and success.

“A unique opportunity to study a bilingual curriculum in a supportive environment for children to learn.”

– Parent, FBS Middle School Y8

Professional and Passionate Teachers

Our team of professional and passionate teachers, Italian and international, primarily from the UK and the USA, accompany each child on a stimulating path of language, logic and artistic development in both Italian and English.


Italian lessons


English lessons

Your Child's Bilingual Journey

Florence Bilingual School

Enquiries :Per Iscrizioni:+39.055.495061